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I make a tit of myself pretty much on a daily basis.

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Oops I did it again

Good evening bloggies!

I regret to say that this blog has a somewhat sombre theme, as you can probably tell by the title.
No, unfortunately I am not here to discuss the fact that I spilled juice over the work computer, or I washed my white work blouse with a red sock, or that I got a parking ticket and a flat tyre in the same day. One could only hope, folks.

I did a terrible thing, and the only reason I am discussing it with you is because when I started my blog, I vowed to be honest, truthful, and to give an accurate representation of life for a cake chomping female in this day and age.

That terrible thing was kissing my ex boyfriend.

I KNOW! But alas, I couldn't help myself. You see, from the minute I clapped eyes on the wee bugger, I knew that it was going to happen. And I'll be honest, I did nothing to prevent it. Infact, I think I may have encouraged it. But that is irrelevant. It still happened, regardless of who's fault it was (mine).

Now I am in quite a pickle. I am crazy about him (or just crazy, whatever) and my brain is fried. I think he feels the same way, but unfortunately, there are too many factors in the mix for him to possibly get re-involved, who knows. And I know what you're thinking. I am amazing - yes, I know - and why wouldn't he choose to be with you? I ask myself this every day, friends.

What to do in such a messy situation? Answers on a postcard please.

In other news, I got a new laptop - a MACBOOK PRO! Bought with my second month's hard-earned wage, and the single most expensive thing I think I have ever purchased in all my days. But I love him (yes, it IS a him) and I promise never to spill juice on this one. Or drop it and break the USB ports. I SWEAR.

Also, with the whole anxious ex boyfriendy messy situation, I have neglected the cakes. I know, this is so unlike me, being a curvaceous cake addict, but I cannot bring myself to touch a cake. Although I did have a chocolate mousse today at work, but that is neither here nor there. It is the cake we are concerned with, it being my screen name and all. I daren't touch the things lest I vomit them back up again. What will be next? Will I forget them altogether? Will I suddenly become a svelte size 8, munching nothing but celery and salsa dip and claiming how full I am after one rivita with a sliver of non-fat cream cheese?! This is not the life I want to live, therefore I must ask for your help on the matter of the ex boyfriend.

For now, my lovelies, I am off to lick my wounds and cry into my lettuce.
Love you

Toodles xx

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